Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Conference - Music and Tradition

“Music and Tradition” at SW/TX-PCA/ACA 13-16 Feb 2008 (Dec 1)

The 29th Annual Meeting of the SW/TX PCA/ACA
February 13–16, 2008
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico

The SW/TX PCA/ACA annual conference represents one of the nation's largest
gatherings of interdisciplinary scholars, with a particular interest in
critical examinations of non-traditional or cross-disciplinary topics. In
order to maximize the pool of submissions, the deadline for proposals has
been extended to December 1.

The 2008 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico at
the Hyatt Regency downtown, and the Keynote Speaker will be Joy Harjo, an
internationally known poet, performer, writer and musician of the
Mvskoke/Creek Nation. Further details regarding the conference (listing of
all areas, hotel, registration, tours, etc.) can be found at

Now accepting proposals for “Music and Tradition” (formerly “Folk Music”) in
the Music Area, a well-represented area with outstanding participants in
years past. We welcome proposals on the interaction of music and
tradition—broadly defined—their role in American popular culture, including
storytelling, film, television, radio, literature, and the Internet.
Prospective topics include:

* Hispanic and Native American musical traditions of the Southwest

* Musical traditions immigrant communities, particularly those which came
from elsewhere and were established in the Southwest

* Musical traditions of historically-underrepresented minorities: persons of
color, LGBT, women, etc.

* Musical traditions across the continent as a tool of enculturation or

* Appropriations, assimilations, borrowings, and “readings” of musical
traditions into mainstream culture

Particular interest/emphasis upon

* Changing performance or reception contexts for folk and traditional musics

* Changes and adaptation of musical traditions for purposes of identity

Inquiries regarding this area and/or abstracts of 250 words may be sent to
Chris Smith at the email address below; Dr Smith will coordinate the panel
but it will be chaired, in his absence, by a qualified substitute. Proposals
(electronic only, please) should include current curriculum vitae or résumé
(3-page maximum) and a 250-word abstract, including name, institutional
affiliation if any, and working title. For graduate students a complete list
of SW/TX PCA/ACA awards and submission information is available at the
conference website.

Conference Website: (updated regularly)

Submission deadline is December 1 2007. The registration deadline is
December 31, 2007. All participants must register by that date or will not
be permitted to present or appear in the program.

Dr Christopher Smith
Vernacular Music Center
Department of Musicology
School of Music MS 2033
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409
806.742.2270 x249

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